Low-Carb Reuben Sandwich Salad

 Low-Carb Reuben Sandwich Salad

Hey, I'm Here With You, and I really LOVE Reuben sandwiches and salads. So, guess what? I've got the perfect and delicious recipe for a Reuben Sandwich Salad!

Reuben Sandwich Salad

This salad has everything you'd find in a tasty Reuben sandwich – swiss cheese, corned beef, thousand island dressing, rye bread, and sauerkraut, all mixed together in a big dinner-sized salad. I also threw in some lettuce and tomatoes. You can stick to my recipe or customize it by adding more veggies or choosing different greens. Get creative and make it your own!

Low Carb Reuben

If you're watching your carbs, this salad is perfect for you! Just skip the toast croutons and maybe whip up your own Thousand Island dressing to reduce the carbs. Make these changes, and you'll have a low-carb Reuben salad to satisfy your cravings.

Reuben Salad

This simple Reuben Salad is part of my "I Don't Want to Cook This Summer" collection. (But if I felt like cooking and heating up my house, I would definitely make an awesome Reuben sandwich.)

 Low-Carb Reuben Sandwich Salad

Delicious Low-Carb Reuben Sandwich Salad: A Quick and Easy Recipe

PREP TIME Takes 15 minutes TOTAL TIME Takes 15 minutes


  • 4 slices of rye bread
  • 4-6 cups of chopped lettuce
  • 2 cups of drained sauerkraut
  • Optional: 12 cherry or grape tomatoes
  • 4 ounces of sliced corned beef (thick or thin slices)
  • 4 ounces of diced, cubed, or shredded Swiss cheese
  • Thousand Island dressing


  1. Toast the rye bread and put it aside.
  2. Split the lettuce or salad greens between two plates.
  3. If you're using them, add the tomatoes.
  4. Roughly chop the drained sauerkraut and divide it between the salads.
  5. Chop the corned beef and divide it between the two plates.
  6. Add the cheese.
  7. Cut the toast into squares and scatter them over the salad.
  8. Drizzle Thousand Island dressing over the top.
  9. Serve with extra dressing and plenty of napkins.

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